Steven Tyler Proposes New Senate Bill in Hawaii

Jennifer Aniston has agreed with Justin Bieber has about the need for regulations and rules surrounding the Paparazzi. And this happened after the recently news which talked about the death of a paparazzo who was killing in a tragic accident.
And as we know that the big star in rock and roll Steven Tyler has suffered a lot from paparazzi and their problems, and now he adds his voice to this procedures and for the voice of the mix.
Steven Tyler was recently decided to go out from American Idol as a judge and to continue his works with his band Aerosmith and his company.
He declared that it should be rules to prevent the paparazzi from following the stars and celebrities in their weekends and their journeys with their friends and families. 
Steven Tyler has recently proposed a bill in Senate Hawaii and called its Steven Tyler Act, which it should provide a legal remedy for stars and celebrities took photos for them while they engaged in Personal or familial activities , they should have a reasonable expectation of privacy and not to let paparazzi to take photos of them.
Steven says that Hawaii is place like paradise and it is a magnet for celebrities, they just want a peaceful vacation, and also there are a lot of paparazzi where they prepare themselves to enter the forbidden and special places in order to get a photos of celebrities in certain statues and make a lot of embarrassment and troubles for them.
And Senate is hearing in Honolulu the presented bill, and the latest news about this subject is that two-thirds of the senate endorsed the bill.
 So in this article I see that Steven Tyler joined those who were victims to the paparazzi and he waited the Senate decision about this thing.

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