Steven Tyler’s Birthday

The date of birth the rock 'n' roll and big star Steven Tyler has a special feature proportion to the important events that have occurred on this day.
Steven Tyler's birth date is March 26, 1948.
Let's review the most important historical events that have taken place in the world through the date of birth of Steven Tyler :
  • ·         Camp David  Peace Treaty between the Egyptians and the Israelis after 30 years of bitter war and is the first peace treaty between an Arab state and a Jewish state in 1979.
  • ·         In 1953 Dr. Jonas E. Salk discovered a vaccine for polio, which is one of the killer diseases that killed thousands during the early twentieth century.
  • ·         Found 39 dead from Heaven's Gate sect in California after he committed suicide in 1997.
  • ·         Former U.S. boxing champion Mike Tyson was sentenced to 3 years in prison for rape in 1992.
  • ·         Prohibition era in the United States in 1925.
  • ·         Funny Girl Musical was released in U.S.A in1946.
  • ·         Germany Hermann leader said that he cannot be silent about the persecution of the Jews anymore in 1993.
  • ·         Food shortages in China has killed a lot of people in 1958.
  • ·         In 1971 was the independence of Bangladesh.
  • ·         Unique campaign donations were collected to combat hunger in the world in 1981.
  • ·         U.S.A, Laying the foundation stone to the memory of veteran fighters Americans in Vietnam 1981.
  • ·         Dr. Jack Kevorkian Was arrested on charges of second-degree murder because he gives the terminally ill a lethal injection in 1999.
  • ·         In 2000 the visit of Pope John Paul II to Israel which represents distinguishing closer relations between Catholicism and Judaism.
  • ·         Vladimir Putin was elected president of Russia for the first time in 2000.
  • ·         2002 A devastating earthquake hit Afghanistan and leads killing 1,800 people and the displacement of 10,000 homeless.
  • ·         2008 Robert Gates arrives in India to strengthen military ties between the U.S. and India.
  • ·         2008 Starbucks was closed in the United States for the training of their employees for a period of three and a half hours.
  • ·         Ford announced in the United States that it sold both Jaguar and Land Rover because of the large losses for decades in 2008.
  • ·         The United States announced the U.S. state of emergency in the country by Tornadoes in Mississippi that caused wound 24 people and destroyed more than 100 homes.
  • ·         Nuclear arms reduction treaty between Russia and the United States of America in 2010, which took place between President Putin and Obama.
  • ·          U.S.A The death the American political Geraldine Ferraro after a struggle with cancer 2011.

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