The Other face of Steven Tyler and the Story of His Relationship with Julia Holcomb

Today I'm going to talk to you about Aerosmith leader Steven Tyler and his relationship with Julia Holcomb and their painful experience with abortion. We will start from the beginning of acquaintance between Steven Tyler and Julia Holcomb. In 1973, Steven met with Julia during one of the concerts and Steven was the then 25-year-old Lama Julia 16 years and the relationship immediately had linked them, so Steven became her guardian and they lived in an apartment in Boston, where she carried a child from him, and then their friends advised them of the necessity of abortion.
Julia had an experienced painful story and acknowledged that parts of the story which narrated by Steven were real. Julia had always tried to hold her tongue for disclosure about the secret of this story, but finally revealed this painful story. And although there are differences in storytelling between the couple, but I tend to Julia story according to several aspects I will remind and leave the judgment to you in the end about this painful story that talks about the relationship between Steven Tyler and Julia Holcomb.
Holcomb opened eye on fire then quickly refuge to the empty fireplace while she sleeping in their house in Boston.
She miraculously survived despite the damage of her brain due to lack of oxygen and was perfectly healthy in mind and body. Her child was in good health as doctors told her; But Steven encouraged her to abort the child.
Steven tried to persuade her in order to abort the child and he would born handicapped due to the lack of oxygen in his brain but she refused and soon he started to pressure on her and told her that he would no longer take care of hers and her child. Julia was too small did not have health insurance and even responded care, so she agreed the abortion bitterly harsh and severe remorse which owned her life in the future.

Their relationship was ended between Steven Tyler and Julia Holcomb by abortion of the child where she recognized that part of her had died with the child. But Steven seemed to feel a little of shame, and remorse, therefore he immersed himself in the drug and alcohol abuse .Julia wounded traumatized and she was able to enter with her mother in the Catholic and exceed Oryx and her intense grief at her son.
 Though at the end of the relationship between Steven Tyler and Julia Holcomb, she indicated that the intent of the story was not indicating Steven as guilty she forgiven him, but to make a story as a guide for women in order not to fall into the same error that occurred with Julia and let them know what was the meaning of abortion and its bitterness.

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